प्रेम विवाह में सफलता के उपाय, आप अपनी मर्जी से शादी तो कर लेते,हो परंतु इसकी क्या गारंटी हैं कि यह शादी सफल रहेगी? आमतौर पर देखा गया हैं कि सबसे ज्यादे तलाक के मामले प्रेम विवाह करने वालों के बीच ही पाया जाता हैं| जब हम अपने माता-पिता कि मर्जी से शादी करते हैं,तो हमें अपनी गृहस्थी में अपने बुजुर्गो का आशीर्वाद मिलता रहता हैं|
परंतु प्रेम विवाह के मामले में हमारे बड़ेहमारे बीच के झगड़ों में ज्यादा दखल नहीं देते हैं| इस वजह से कई बार पति-पत्नी के मध्य अनुभव कि कमी होने के कारण बात बिगड़ जाती हैं| अपने प्रेम विवाह को सफल बनाने के लिए जातक निम्न ज्योतिष उपायों को आजमा सकता हैं:-
उपयुक्त मंत्र प्रेम विवाह को सफल बनाने के लिए बहुत ही प्रभावकारी हैं| इस मंत्र का ज प्रतिदिन तीन माला जाप करने से आपका जीवनसाथी हमेशा आपकी बात सुनेगा| आपकी गृहस्थी में अनावश्यक कभी भी लड़ाई-झगड़े नहीं होंगे|
केशवी केशवाराध्या किशोरी केशवस्तुता, रूद्ररूपा रूद्र मूर्ति: रूद्राणी रूद्रदेवता: राधा- कृष्ण को प्रेम का आराध्यदेवता माना जाता हैं| पति-पत्नी यदि राधा-कृष्ण को आराध्य देवता मान कर नित्य उनकी पुजा अर्चना करे,तो उनके जीवन में कभी क्लेश नहीं होगा| प्रभु कि कृपा से आजीवन उनके रिश्तों में मिठास बनी रहेगी|
शिव कि पुजा:-हिंदु धर्म के अनुसार भगवान शिव कि सच्चे मन से आराधना करने से हर मनोकामना पूर्ण होती हैं| यदि कोई कोई स्त्री सच्ची श्रद्धा के साथ सावन के सोलह सोमवार का व्रत रख कर शिवजी की पुजा अर्चना करती हैं,तो उसके जीवनसाथी का प्यार उसके लिए सदैव बना रहता हैं| शिवजी कि कृपा से उस स्त्री को कभी भी गृह कलह का सामना नहीं करना पड़ता हैं| उसका प्रेम विवाह दूसरों के लिए एक मिसाल बन जाता हैं|
Powerful Totke For Love Marriage can be use to convince parents for love marriage, we also provide you vashikaran totke for love marriage. Our expert also given you lal kitab totke for love marriage to get your desire love quickly.
A beautiful sacred relationship between a husband & wife or between a man & a woman. It is one of the holiest relationships existing on this earth.
Powerful Totke For Love Marriage
When we fall in love or start getting attracted to each other, a person begins dating and caring for each other. We begin developing a different kind of emotions such as sorrow, jealousy, worry. But in the end, both partners love each other.
In some circumstances, they have to leave their loved ones and get married to another a stranger. When there, love does not remain as strong as before.
Due to the parents or family pressure, a person becomes so weak in front of his or her family. They choose to marry a person which they do not love and left their lover. Because he/she is not able to tell them, does not gather their courage to share their feeling with their family.
Sometimes it causes some unexpected happenings such as suicide. Because your partner is not able to handle the situation, they go into the rehab, starts taking drugs alcohol cigarette, ruin any third person life, so on.
So it’s better to find some alternative solutions for it. Instead of leaving your loved ones alone, try to make your family for the person you love. There are so many options on how to make your family accept your lover. Here we are going to give you some tips for it.
Totke To Convince Parents For Love Marriage
Totke To Convince Parents For Love Marriage, There come some times when a person is not able to tell his or her family about the person whom he or she loves the most. The person is not able to gather his or her courage.
Then the person gets married to another person or stranger whom he or she does not love. But the partner whom he or she left for his or her family, that partner always suffers the most.
He or she feels like his or her partner has cheated on him or her. This incident is the most depressing moment in a person’s life. Sometimes it becomes challenging to come out from the depression. This depression is a long period of growth. It takes a lot of time, and sometimes the person never comes out from the recession.
How To Convince Your Parents For Your Lover?
Today we are going to suggest some remedies by which you can and convince your parents. But our first point is to gather your courage and tell your family about your partner.
In Vedic science we have some remedies which are as follows:
On every Thursday of Shukla Paksha, make three statues of Rishmik Mala. Then place them in front of the Lord Vishnu & Goddesses Laxmi’ s photo or idols. Perform this remedy for at least three months
On every Monday, the girl should take a bath in the early morning and goes to the temple. Mix the water and milk and churn it on the Shivlinga and chant Om mantra along with it.
Vashikaran Totke For Love Marriage
Vashikaran Totke For Love Marriage, Well, we all want to control anyone once in our life. But how can we do this and on whom can we perform this experiment. So today we are going to tell you all the answers to your questions. All you need to do is follows the steps.
Sometimes when your family does not agree with your decision related to your life and marriage. In India, parents do not agree with the love marriage decision. They think to arrange marriage is the best option for their child’s future. As we all know, parents never ready to compromise with their child’s future.
In Astrology or Horoscope, there are many remedies and mantras to control a person’s mind and body. Today we are going to tell you very easy mantras along with the solutions. Perform these mantras and resources on your parents. They will agree with your love marriage decision.
Bhagavata RudraayeSarvjagmohan Kuru KuruSwaha
Om kali KrishnayeGopijanVallbhaayeSwaha
Totke or Remedy
On Poornima of Shukla Paksha go to the Lakshmi Narayan Temple.
Go to the temple in the early morning but remember it should not the afternoon time. (This remedy can perform along with your partner, or you can perform it alone too.
Worship the god in the temple and make an offering of coconut.
Then chant mantra
||AumHreem Lakshmi Narayana Namah||
Recite this mantra for 108 times in a day with the help of a mala which has beads or a rosary mala.
Lal Kitab Totke For Love Marriage
Lal Kitab Totke For Love Marriage, Are you in love with a person and wants to marry him or her? Will you afraid of telling your parents & family about your love? Do you scared of losing him or her and not marry your lover in the end?
If you have all these questions as mentioned above or related to these questions, then you are reading the right article. Today we are going to answer all your queries related to love & marriage.
Today we are going to answer all your problems related to love & marriage. There are some times which comes and give us whether good experience or bad ones. But we all expect a good experience without putting any effort into it; after all, it is human nature.
We all love anyone person once in our life. But we get scared; we have fear inside us how to convince our parents for love marriage and losing the same person we love the most. Here, we are going to describe to you some pure and natural remedies of Lal Kitab to solve all your marriage problems. Some of them are as follows:
Mantras begin
Shiva Gauri Mantra:
||” Hey Gauri ShankradhaargiYathaTwaShankrapriyaa, TathaaMaa Kuru KalyaaniKaantKaantaaSuduralbhaam”||
Vashikaran Mantra:
||” Om Kan Kan Gyn GyahAmukam Mam Vashya Kuru KuruSwaha”||
On every Thursday of Shukla Paksha, make three statues of Rishmik Mala. Then place them in front of the Lord Vishnu & Goddesses Laxmi’ s photo or idols. Perform this remedy for at least three months